Smarter Cities

Realtime monitoring, predictive analysis, ubiquitous 5/6G, high speed data networks, smart energy grids, surveillance, and AI driven traffic management systems, based on blockchain and widespread collection of big data are all key enabling technologies for smarter cities.

Toridion makes it possible to start building smarter cities today, and a bridge to the high-performance computing solutions of tomorrow.

Our state of the art TQNN neural network appliances and API's are born to optimise and route data in complex and intelligent ways.

Having a near constant non-linear time complexity, high bandwidth capability and elastic pattern recognition as a native characteristic, our technologies are suited to a wide range of large scale cyber defence tasks.

Deployed in several cryptographic and finance settings, TQNN  brings unique advantages to financial modelling projects with blistering > 240 billion patterns matched per second.

Intrinsic nearest neighbour routing and probabilistic pattern recognition lends itself to optimisation of communications. Resilient compression brings self healing communications into the realms of possibility

Keeping data secure and accessible is a problem faced every day. TQNN can lend itself to public and private cold storage, open access and anonymised sharing.

We have demonstrated that QML can do something that really no classical algorithm can do, something that is much more a characteristic of human memory function than any computer 

In a groundbreaking application of TQNN, Toridion demonstrated a taste of how QML and quantum inspired technology can deliver quantum like advantage in the hear and now.

S Forshaw

S Forshaw

S Forshaw